It is gratifying to know that Osama Bin Laden is no longer a threat to the country that we love. In many respects I am jealous of the highly trained sailor from Seal Team Six that was implement the finer points of US foreign policy by putting a high velocity round through his head. Suffice to say, I will be happy to take a gander at the photos if the White House can get over its collective squeamishness and make them public. Why is it that there is no issue with repeatedly running footage of three thousand Americans dying in as the towers burned and fell yet we must engage in debate over proving to the world that the murderer who facilitated the attack is truly done?
More disturbing is the way this situation is playing out in the media. A few points to ponder. While it is nice to know that the President gave the order to conduct this operation, let us give credit where it truly is due. To the members of our highly professional and dedicated armed services, well done. Especially to the members of Seal Team Six who are credited by the administration, albeit obliquely, with sending that pig to his final judgment.
As to taking the high road and disposing of his carcass at sea in accordance with his religious beliefs, I am in agreement with Don Imus’s assertion that his body should have been wrapped in bacon and buried at ground zero.
Clearly Pakistan knew he was there. So a big “go screw yourself” is due to Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf who whined about the sovereignty of his backwater third world dump of a country being violated. How about we shut off the free flowing tap of foreign aid to them for a decade or so and let them truly enjoy their sovereign rights.
1 comment:
Welcome home my brother!
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