Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ebbs and flows

Since my promotion there has been a period of adjustment in my personal life that has been a series of ups and downs.  On the major plus side of the balance sheet is way more time with my family and time to reacquaint myself with many of our friends.  It is nice to eliminate the "sorry, I have to go to work that night" phrase from the vocabulary.  No doubt about it, monday through friday with weekends off does have it's perks.

On the other side of the  balance sheet there are some notable losses.  Now instead of going to Wal Mart or the grocery store in the late morning on a weekday when there is no one else there, I am banished to join the rest of the world on long lines and in packed parking lots on the weekends.  With that very thought in mind I set out this morning quietly cursing to myself about how I would be waiting on a very long line at the town dump as with the exception of two weekday mornings (I can't go to the dump in a jacket and tie) the only time you can get rid of that extra trash that won't fit in the garbage can is early Saturday mornings.  Well, as it turns out, it is not every Saturday but only the first and third of each month.  The good line this Saturday.  The bad is the fourth Saturday.

Welcome to the real world.  Sigh.

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