Friday, February 27, 2009

Where Democrats come from

Parenting is never an easy job. About the time you get over the intoxication of that “new baby smell” and the astounding idea that you have actually procreated you come to the inescapable conclusion that someone by now should have had the courtesy to compile some sort of owners manual. Absent such an easy method you ply undaunted into uncharted waters and engage in the time honored method of flying by the seat of your pants. But even the most inexperienced sailor can manage some kind of rudimentary navigation with a basic compass. Unless you were raised by apes you possess this moral inertial guidance system courtesy of your parents.

Now I am sure that in the course of your upbringing there have been a host of things your parents did that you took issue with. But after careful adult consideration of their efforts you come to find that they did a fairly competent job. Dare I say that unless you were beaten with an extension cord or burned with cigarettes you have probably adopted most of if not all of the parenting skills they employed in your upbringing. Clearly, by the time the ripest fruit of your loins achieves young adulthood you can see your efforts paying dividends. Sometimes, this might be a bit much to assume. Case in point: Not long ago a group of students took over a building at NYU to protest the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Thankfully, after a brief and meaningless occupation the administration of the school had them removed and suspended them pending disciplinary action. Somewhere, several sets of parents have this to be proud of. (It’s a bit long but give it a look and note the witty repartee an incomplete undergraduate education and privileged upbringing provides)

Now I can’t speak for all of you but I can assure you that if after busting my ass for twenty years working two full time jobs and trying to be the best parent I could this was the result, there would be a toothless twenty year old residing in my shed missing several teeth circling the want adds with a borrowed crayon. I can also state with a large degree of certainty that I would consider defrosting my reproductive organs in the microwave to ensure that the same mistake would never be repeated.

It enrages me that imbeciles with no life experience can even think about disrupting the lawful comings and goings of others who have worked hard to enjoy the privilege of bettering themselves. A collection of doltish neo adolescents who would impose their uninformed and immature views on others while causing inconvenience and great expense while mindlessly compelling productive members of society to alter their lives and activities to accommodate their childish and reckless behavior. Future Democratic candidates one and all. Nothing a can of mace and an angry police dog couldn't’t have cured.

NB: Had the administration had some spine the NYPD could have ended this in about sixty seconds. My shift could have done it in ten.

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