Middle class. It is clear that not one solitary soul (hey there's an oxymoron screaming for comment) in Washington has an idea of what that term means. The true middle class are those of us that went to college, have a working spouse and a part time job and are footing the bills for the political middle class. You know us, we're the folks putting off vacations and driving crappy cars to keep our kids in parochial schools and out of a failed and morally bankrupt public education system. You've probably seen us driving bleary eyed from side job to side job in an effort to sock away money in a retirement account while the gluttonous swine in DC (eg. Nancy Pelosi) conspire to find ways to "manage" it away for us.
So when next you see or hear a politician state that they are going to "save" the middle class don't be deluded into thinking next years tax bite will be any less for you. It will be designed to "stimulate" those folks who are content to work their forty hour week, lay on the couch and make not one effort to improve the futures of their children or themselves. Your best intentions aside, that's who you are working for.
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