Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hunkering down

If the weather forecast is to be believed (that has rarely been the case this winter) we are in for a whopper of a snowstorm starting this evening and lasting until sometime Monday night. Last night's educated guess of 9 inches has been upgraded to 14 big ones. So, while I planned to clean the large intestine of my home (more commonly referred to as the garage) I instead forged some pathways and readied the BEAST for manly snow removal operations. Just as a precaution I also obtained two large bags of ice melt in an effort to get an early start on the event and hopefully reduce the carnage.

Having suitably prepared perhaps I will now cruise the parking lot of the local grocery store and laugh at the people lined up to buy milk, bread and toilet paper. Much the same way they will cruise by my house in June when I am finally draining the unused gas from my snow thrower and figuring out where I am going to store eighty pounds of unused ice melt.

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