To all of my friends who have proud roots on the Emerald Isle I would like to extend my best wishes for a happy and blessed Saint Patrick's Day 2009. Spending most of my work hours locked in an office with the local leader of Clan Fitzsimmons I have grown to appreciate the intricacies of Irish culture. Most of them deliciously stereotypical and entertaining. Irish cooking tips (put potato and meat into boiling water until all taste is removed), Irish Alzheimer s (you forget everything but a grudge) and the ever popular daily reading of the Irish sports page (the obituary column). So with a special shout out to Clans Doyle, Frain (a Hun apparently), Semple and Fitzsimmons I would like to thank you and your countrymen for your contributions to the great mosaic that is our country. Without your efforts how could a Polish guy get to run around in a kilt several weekends in March while downing many pints and get away with it. In that spirit, a bit of holiday mirth from Family Guy courtesy of the folks over at Adult Swim.
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