Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Job Security

In the area where I live we have two large bridges. And as you might guess it is a popular spot for people to commit suicide. While it is terrible that people feel the need to take their own lives for any reason there isn't much that we can do as a society to prevent stupid people from doing stupid things.

There was recently a bit of public debate as to if it would be a good idea to install some type of fencing on these bridges to prevent people from using the spans as a springboard in to the afterlife. Despite the inclination of the NJ State Government to fund really silly things, even they were not persuaded that fencing these two spans would keep a determined person from seeking out another high public structure. Their response was to post signs telling people that there is help available via a suicide hot line.

Face it, stupid people have and always will do stupid things. While you ponder that point please consider the following video sent to me via email........

The prosecution rests.

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