Saturday, October 31, 2009
60 thousand dollar penis extension
On a routine transport such as this it is good practice to tuck the ambulance in the right lane and just cruise along comfortably. It makes for a smoother ride for the already sick patient and lessens the possibility of getting in to an unnecessary fender bender. Cruising with such leisure it gives you an opportunity to take in the sights.
Traffic in the left lane was moving at a fairly good clip and there was more than ample spacing between cars as they passed me on the left. That was until I spied it. The red Corvette tailgating the guy in front of him. Suddenly with the dexterity of an Indy driver the Corvette driver gunned the engine, executed a quick pass and wound up one entire car length ahead of where he was for the remaining ten minute trip to New Brunswick. Imagine the new found virility his investment brought him. Dumbass.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Want a baby? Pass the Cheetos
According to a study by Yale University evolutionary biologist Stephen Stearns, contemporary evolution is based on the genetic traits surrounding fertility.
According to their findings, it was stout, slightly plump (but not obese) women who tended to have more children — "Women with very low body fat don't ovulate," Stearns explains — as did women with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Using a sophisticated statistical analysis that controlled for any social or cultural factors that could impact childbearing, researchers determined that these characteristics were passed on genetically from mothers to daughters and granddaughters.
The rest here.
Yet more job security
FRESNO, Calif. — Last month two men and their teenage sons tackled one of the world's most unforgiving summertime hikes: the Grand Canyon's parched and searing Royal Arch Loop. Along with bedrolls and freeze-dried food, the inexperienced backpackers carried a personal locator beacon - just in case.
In the span of three days, the group pushed the panic button three times, mobilizing helicopters for dangerous, lifesaving rescues inside the steep canyon walls.
What was that emergency? The water they had found to quench their thirst "tasted salty."
If they had not been toting the device that works like Onstar for hikers, "we would have never attempted this hike," one of them said after the third rescue crew forced them to board their chopper. It's a growing problem facing the men and women who risk their lives when they believe others are in danger of losing theirs.
This is an easy one to cure. Immediate arrest for false public alarm and a bill for emergency services rendered when no emergency existed. Then again, that would result in accountability. With the current climate in Washington, we can't have that.
HINSDALE, Illinois, October 23, 2009 A Dominican nun has been seen frequenting an abortion facility in Illinois recently - but not, as one might expect, to pray for an end to abortion or to counsel women seeking abortions, but to volunteer as a clinic escort.
How is she still a nun? I just don't get it.
The entire story is here.
Things Catholic
In this pursuit I have had the benefit of some very patient and learned clergy who take the time to teach their flocks and provide ongoing support for growth. Soon, Holy Mass will change somewhat with better translations that will result in the new English language version of the Mass. You would think this would be a welcome development. After all, as a Faith rich in tradition we should endeavor to stay as true to our roots as possible. Apparently in addition to being mistaken, I am also a bit dim.
WASHINGTON – Bishop Donald W. Trautman of Erie, Pa., former chairman of the U.S. bishops’ liturgy committee, sharply criticized what he called the “slavishly literal” translation into English of the new Roman Missal from the original Latin.
He said the “sacred language” used by translators “tends to be elitist and remote from everyday speech and frequently not understandable” and could lead to a “pastoral disaster.”
“The vast majority of God’s people in the assembly are not familiar with words of the new missal like ‘ineffable,’ ‘consubstantial,’ ‘incarnate,’ ‘inviolate,’ ‘oblation,’ ‘ignominy,’ ‘precursor,’ ‘suffused’ and ‘unvanquished.’ The vocabulary is not readily understandable by the average Catholic,” Bishop Trautman said.
Not to question the teaching authority of a Bishop but I had always understood that the primary responsibility of a Diocesan Ordinary is to TEACH. So in an instance where the vast majority of us pew sitters are not familiar with words of more than two syllables, should not the focus then be on uplifting the flock both spiritually and intellectually?
Touching back on Vatican II this is clearly a case of reaping what one sows. When a centuries old style of worship is removed willy nilly and dumbed down what does one expect? There are a great many commentaries on the web today both supporting and challenging Bishop Trautman's stance.
A basic tenant of gardening is that if the roots are week the plant will wither and die. It is time as Catholics to return to our roots (Brick by Brick as the de facto flying Bishop of the Internet Father Z would say) and ensure that they are healthy and capable of delivering the fragrant fruit of the Good News.
The rest of Bishop Trautman's comments here.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Devil's work
CHATHAM — The Morris County Prosecutor's Office says Father Edward Hinds was murdered in the rectory of St. Patrick Church in Chatham.
Morris County Prosecutor Robert A. Bianchi said this afternoon that, based on the nature of the injuries, they have ruled the 61-year-old priest's death a homicide.
Hinds was found dead in the residence after a 911 call alerted police that the priest did not arrive at the neighboring church to offer a scheduled 8 a.m. Mass. Hinds was dressed in his robes for Mass when he was found.
Bianchi said Hinds was killed sometime between 11 p.m. Thursday and 8:03 a.m. today, when the 911 call was placed.
There are not many more details but the story is here. Killing a Priest who is already vested for Mass. It takes a special kind of evil to do something like this.
In your charity please send up a prayer for Father Hinds.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Green Acres Theology?
A North Carolina pastor plans to host a Halloween event at his church to burn heretical books. At the top of the list — the Bible.
Pastor Marc Grizzard claims the King James version of the Bible is the only true word of God, and that all other versions are "satanic" and "perversions" of God's word.
On Halloween night, Grizzard and the 14 members of the Amazing Grace Baptist Church will set fire to other versions of the scripture, as well as music and books by Christian authors.
“I believe the King James version is God’s preserved, inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God… for English-speaking people."
I guess he graduated from the Drucker's General Store theology program. Go here for the rest and to see a picture of the learned Pastor in his bib overalls.
How many ways do we have to say it?
Smoking is dangerous to your health. The rest here.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Boats of wood and balls of iron
As several hundred people watched our local Vets gave a fitting farewell to three comrades whose cremated remains had been stored unclaimed in a local funeral home. For whatever reason there were no remaining relatives to make final arrangements for these men. To the credit of the Vets they made arrangements for a splendid ceremony prior to the internment of the remains in the State Veteran's Cemetery.
While standing in formation next to the bugler I noticed that he wore a patch indicating his status as a PT Boat crewman on his jacket. As is my practice I thanked him for his bravery and service to our country. In true form he told me it was no big deal. But I persisted. Service to your country is the highest form of patriotism. Combat veterans are truly a breed set apart. And to serve your country in battle at sea on a plywood boat armed with torpedoes....well, that is just something I cannot even imagine. I think I may have embarrassed the old guy a bit with my description of his service. But his deeds validate the accuracy of the title of this post.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
How fast do these things go?

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. — Authorities say an Ormond Beach woman died after being thrown from a golf cart in a gated community.
Florida Highway Patrol reports that 58-year-old Carol Hollingworth was driving her golf cart through the Plantation Bay Golf Club community Thursday night when she lost control for some reason. She was thrown from the cart, which continued to roll into a wooded area.
What the hell? Does everyone move to Florida and lose their minds? The rest here.
Soup Season continues

First for the lovely Mrs. there is stuffed pepper soup. Lean ground beef, nice chunks of green peppers simmered lovingly in a tomato based sauce.

For me, potato with jalapeno and sweet sausage. And of course a huge chunk of pumpernickel bread to go along with it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
For you history lovers out there

Eight Jesuit priests survived the searing hurricane of blast and gamma rays during the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945. They were in a rectory only 8 blocks from the blinding center of the nuclear flash. Although everyone within a mile radius perished, all survived and they attribute their survival to the Rosary and living the Fatima message.
At 2:45 a.m. on August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber took off from the island of Tinian to drop the first atomic bomb on Japan. At 8:15 a.m. the bomb exploded eight city blocks from the Jesuit Church of Our Lady's Assumption in Hiroshima. Half a million people were annihilated. However, the church and eight Jesuit fathers stationed there survived (four of the priests were Fathers Hugo Lassalle, Kleinsorge, Cieslik and Schiffer. According to the experts they "ought to be dead," being within a one-mile radius of the explosion. Nine days later on August 15, Feast of Our Lady's Assumption, U.S. forces were ordered to cease fire.
Here bunny bunny!
The bodies of thousands of rabbits culled every year from the parks in Stockholm’s Kungsholmen neighbourhood are being used to fuel a heating plant in central Sweden.
The decision to use Stockholm’s rabbit cadavers as bio energy to warm Swedes living in Värmland doesn't sit well with Stockholm-based animal rights activists.
“Those who support the culling of rabbits surely think it’s good to use the bodies for a good cause. But it feels like they’re trying to turn the animals into an industry rather than look at the main problem,” Anna Johannesson of Vilda kaniners värn (‘Society for the Protection of Wild Rabbits’) told the local Vårt Kungsholmen newspaper.
Every year, the city of Stockholm kills off thousands of rabbits in an effort to protect trees and shrubbery in the city’s extensive network of parks and green space.
The rest here.
Body bags must be cheaper
Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an analysis.
Among the 778 such projects, known as earmarks, packed into the bill: $25 million for a new World War II museum at the University of New Orleans and $20 million to launch an educational institute named after the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.
The rest of this disgusting homage to liberal excess is here.
Uncle Joe

As the Obama Administration engages in seemingly endless debate on how to proceed in Afghanistan our troops continue to be undermanned and at risk. American blood is being shed on a daily basis while our President and his ineffective whining socialist advisers meet privately and wring their hands over what to do in the war on terror. Yet still no definitive response from the White House.
Instead we see the American people being softened up by the mainstream media to accept what is another attempt to pander to the left. The logical front guessed it, Uncle Joe.
I don't want to debate the merits of Joe Biden being a spokesman for anything. It is clearly a bad idea (unless he is destined to be spokes model for men's bras after his embarrassing Jersey Shore swimming suit photo from this summer [photo from}). War should be left to the professionals. The soldiers, sailors and airmen who put their life on the line every day are the only people equipped to make operational decisions.
Now, I am not forsaking the right and responsibility of the President to make foreign policy decisions. If he chooses to withdraw from Afghanistan so be it. I would loudly disagree with retreated from the battle against terror but it is certainly the Commander in Chief's prerogative to decide where and when the Armed Forces are committed to battle. But under no circumstances should the necessary tools to accomplish a mission be witheld from our troops. Never.
It is time to put up or shut up. Obama needs to make a decision now. And they need to lock Uncle Joe in the basement before he embarrasses us any more than he has already.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Good Seminar
May the appropriate authorities be inspired to ban guitars, tambourines and the dreaded farfisa organ from all Roman Catholic liturgies.

Souper Douper

First, a little garlic. About a cup and one half. Well, I won't bore you with all of the details. Suffice to say that this creamy extravagance of saffron laced goodness was a fitting end to the first almost chilly day of the season.

Here is what it looked like while bubbling away in the Dirty Copper Soup Cauldron. Potatoes, onions, salt, pepper, garlic, saffron and at the end a pint of half and half before being beaten in to submission with the immersion blender. Can't wait for lunch tomorrow. Must remember to pick up breath mints on the way.

Killer Smile

A woman has admitted to being 'an abortion addict' after having 15 terminations over 17 years.
Irene Vilar said she had the abortions not from poverty or fear but as an extraordinary act of rebellion against her 'controlling' husband who did not want children.
What do you think of her now? Standard bearer of women's reproductive freedom? Hero to oppressed womanhood?
How about Pig? Another testament to nationalized health care.
Photo by Gary Issacs of the Daily Mail.
The rest here.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
How to treat celebrities
Hot Chick Victim of Mean Prank - Watch more Breaks Biggest Winners
Friday, October 9, 2009
What do you feed a 180 LB 7 foot Dog?
CASSELTON, N.D. — Boomer may be a buster: Measuring 3 feet tall at the shoulders and 7 feet long from nose to destructive wagging tail, he might be the world's tallest living dog.
Owner Caryn Weber says her 3-year-old Landseer Newfoundland keeps all four paws on the floor when he drinks from the kitchen faucet in her family's eastern North Dakota farm house.
Boomer stares into car windows eye to eye with drivers. A 20-pound bag of dry dog food lasts the 180-pound canine a couple of weeks.
Unlike little yippy dogs who always seem to have something to prove the Newfoundland is the most gentle breed I have ever encountered. Thus the reason she is the official Dirty Copper Dog. The rest here.
Just take the stroke
Multiple media outlets reported that the Fripp Island man was playing the Ocean Creek Golf Course about 3 p.m. Thursday when he was attacked. His name was not released.
Kate Hines with the Fripp Island Property Owners Association says the man was picking up his ball when a 10-foot alligator pulled him into a nearby pond.
How much does one golf ball cost for goodness sakes? The rest here.
The Good, the Bad and the Ukulele
Thanks to Spicoli for sending me this one.
And in the kiss my Polish behind department
Saudi Arabia has led a quiet campaign during these and other negotiations — demanding behind closed doors that oil-producing nations get special financial assistance if a new climate pact calls for substantial reductions in the use of fossil fuels.
The link.
The British are coming
David Cameron on Thursday blamed Britain’s economic crisis on a Labour-led era of “big government”, in a sombre and sometimes emotional speech aimed at convincing the nation he is a prime minister in waiting.
Mr Cameron warned that he was about to turn off the tap on public spending , and caused concern to some in the City when he said that “sometime soon” the country would have to stop “printing money” if it wanted to head off inflation.
Read about the UK's turn away from socialism here.
Just plain silly
OSLO -- President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation.
Clearly the choices must have been between him, Bob Barker and that creepy guys who sits on the corner for a living.
The rest of this silliness can be found here.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Give Charlie a break
A day after Democrats shot down a measure to remove New York Rep. Charles Rangel from his powerful post as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the Congressional Black Caucus sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi condemning what it called "partisan attempts to ignore the well-established, bipartisan congressional ethics process."
The rest here.
Uncle Milty
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Birds of a feather
Lured by easier money and shorter prison sentences, Mafia figures and other violent criminals are increasingly moving into Medicare fraud and spilling blood over what once a white-collar crime.
The rest here.
Stupid Bitch
The root of my angst you ask?
A new value-added tax (VAT) is "on the table" to help the U.S. address its fiscal liabilities, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday night.
Pelosi, appearing on PBS's "The Charlie Rose Show" asserted that "it's fair to look at" the VAT as part of an overhaul of the nation's tax code.
"I would say, Put everything on the table and subject it to the scrutiny that it deserves," Pelosi told Rose when asked if the VAT has any appeal to her.
The VAT is a tax on manufacturers at each stage of production on the amount of value an additional producer adds to a product.
I am not an economist. I don't have to be to tell you that this one smells right out of the box. For Pete's sake you dumb ass, please pick up a basic Econ 101 text and read the part that says taxes will stunt the economy not make it grow. As long as this nitwit and the rest of her cabal attempt to shove failed Soviet Bloc economic policies down our throats we are screwed!!!
The rest of Nancy Peolosi's current manifestation of stupidity is detailed here. I humbly ask that all Conservative Dems, Independents and hypoxic Republicans kindly read the article and come to your senses. Please! I am asking really nice.
Motorists will be seeing a lot of more these protesters this month as the international pro-life organization 40 Days For Life holds its 40-day, 24-hour vigil in front of the clinic from Sept. 26 to Nov. 1.
"Another good reason for praying is that the public sees us out there," she added. "A year or 10 years later they may remember people praying in front of the abortion clinic and that may change their mind."
And that, clinic manager Sabina Vasquez said, is what's happening.
"(The women) are embarrassed by them," she said. "One woman who was just here said she was very uncomfortable that the guy was shouting at her. To a lot of patients it changed their mind right away and they they never come back. It happens a lot."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Elvis has left the building
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wash me?
Nice lid

For those of you with mullets or other ingenious hair follies in your past you may not find it as funny I did but do stop over and enjoy a laugh.
Souping it up
In my never ending effort to satisfy every whim of my long suffering wife I prepared the ingredients above and combined them with some spiffy spices and they are currently simmering on the stove top.
I had hoped to boldly attempt a Puerto Rican/Polish fusion in this endeavor but it seems that my stash of dried mushrooms has gone missing.
Within the hour we will have the answer to the age old question. Is there such a thing as too much garlic in beef barley soup?
Fly the friendly skies
Two pilots have been grounded after they allegedly left their cockpit mid-flight to trade punches with crew members in front of stunned passengers.
Severe turbulence broke out on the Air India flight after an air hostess accused the men of sexual harassment.
The 120 passengers watched as the pair left the jet controls to brawl in the aisle with the crew, the Times Of India reported.
Maybe they will debate the issue in the Indian Parliament.
A poke at the pretentious
Lovers of France's two great symbols of cultural exception – its haute cuisine and fine art – are aghast at plans to open a McDonald's restaurant and McCafé in the Louvre museum next month.
America's fast food temple is celebrating its 30th anniversary in France with a coup -the opening of its 1,142nd Gallic outlet a few yards from the entrance to the country's Mecca of high art and the world's most visited museum.
The rest here.
Friday, October 2, 2009
General intercessions
What is more puzzling to me however it their need to emulate all things Catholic. Case in point is this video of a group "praying" for President Obama to deliver them. It is a moment taken right out of any Sunday Mass. Except of course for the woman "clergy", support for abortion and a few other minor details.