Monday, November 30, 2009

Health Care battle begins in Senate

They should let them use baseball bats.  Al Franken would pee his pants and C Span would handily win the ratings wars.


To my regular readers my apologies for the very light posting.  The usual demands of work and family have been compounded by a very challenging semester in graduate school.  More substantial posting should resume by the weekend provided that I get these two %#$@*?! research papers done in time. 

Again and again

Four brave Cops have lost their lives at the hands of another failed product of America's "justice system".  While finishing their reports in a suburban Seattle coffee shop these heros were executed by a criminal released on early parole.  This is why parole is a failed system.  This is why when we say twenty years it should be twenty and life without parole should be just that.

So for the sake of political expediency and against the will of the people four more men and women had to lay down their lives for the rest of us.  If reports about the perpetrator's identity are true, shame on Mike Huckabee.

Please in charity remember the sacrifice of Officers Greg Richards, Mark Renninger, Tina Griswold and Ronald Owens.  May they rest in peace. 

Monday, November 23, 2009


The message is getting clearer.  Support for the National Health Care initiative is waning.  While never enjoying a clear mandate from the voters polls now indicate that there is no clear call for Congress to continue down the path toward socialized medicine.

Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% now oppose the plan.

Despite a distinct lack of support  Democrats in Congress seem more determined than ever to force this multi trillion dollar debt upon us.   I hope the sway in public opinion is not too late.

The rest here.

The high price of fashion

Tributes have been paid to a British student who died after slipping on her high heels and falling under a train while waving goodbye to her friends, Sky News reported.

The rest here.

Thin skin

PITTSBURGH  —  Pittsburgh City Council has tentatively approved paying $50,000 to settle a free speech lawsuit filed by a man cited for giving a city police officer the middle finger.
Thirty-five-year-old David Hackbart, of Butler, made the gesture at a driver in April 2006, then did it again when someone yelled at him — realizing only later the second person was a police officer.

First point to consider here is that if I ticketed every person who has flipped me off in a twenty five year career I would have had scant time to do anything else.  Part of the job is having a thick skin.  If a little thing like some imbecile flipping you the bird is enough to cause the ACLU to come gunning for you, perhaps it is time to find another line of work.

Secondly, if the nitwit flipping the entire world off was cited with something like driver inattention (both hands on the wheel) then this incident would not have been a problem.  Everyone just needs to lighten up a bit.

The rest here.

Living Hell

This one will freak you out a bit.

A car crash victim diagnosed as being in a coma for the past 23 years has been conscious the whole time.
Rom Houben was paralysed but had no way of letting doctors know that he could hear every word they were saying.
'I dreamed myself away,' said Mr Houben, now 46, who doctors thought was in a persistent vegatative state.
He added: 'I screamed, but there was nothing to hear.' 

Fully aware of everything going on around him and not able to communicate.  Now armed with a device that allows him to tap out messages and communicate with his surroundings he remains paralyzed.  Do you think he has at least one friend who is stupid enough to sit at the bedside and ask him "what's new?".

The rest here.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fillipino flattery

In my never ending love affair with food I am always seeking out new culinary treasures to enjoy.  When invited to a party, particularly one that will involve food of a different culture, I am there in a split second.  After today's event I am comfortable in pronouncing Fillipino food high in my top five favorites.

First of all, how can you compare a turkey to a roasted pig.  Hands down they won this one out of the gate.  Add to it standard fare like lumpia and ponset and you have the makings of a party that makes you wish you were wearing some type of elastic waist pants.  Round out the meal with sticky rice and this coconut thing I did not even bother to get a name for and you have one terriffic meal.

My family and I are very grateful to have received an invitation to this traditional  house blessing.  We wish Mimi and Jose many years of joy in their new home.  And they can invite us over for dinner any time.

Farvman has been clearly holding out on me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

One trick pony

Anyone else tired of this yet?

The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

Reverend Jesse Jackson, who to my knowledge has ever produced anything other than a need for ongoing hate and discontent, decided to deploy the race card when Congressman Davis decided to represent the best interests of his constituents rather than those of Jackson. Oh, Jesse! Give it a rest already and spend some time with those out of wedlock kids of yours who seem to pop up from time to time.

And for those of you surprised at his most recent action, here is a little reminder of where the good Reverend is coming from.

The rest here.


Sometimes honor is an elusive concept to people. To put the concept in perspective I would like to steer you over to Random Acts of Patriotism. Its fine American author has two posts of note. One describing the actions of a true American hero. The other....well, you will get the point. You can view the posts here.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Despite knowing me quite well my friend the Trenton Polack has sent me a video chronicling his recent adventures at the NJ State EMS Conference. So, like in a John Huston western let us imagine our hero approaching us from the distance. While his faithful steed kicks up a small yet persistent dust cloud as he traverses the great plains of South Clinton Avenue he slows to a stop, looks intently in to the camera squinting his sun baked eyes against the blazing rays of the afternoon sun. He politely tips his hat, and then........

Soldier comes home to his best friend

Dog Goes Nuts During Soldier Homecoming - Watch more Funny Videos


Hearty congratulations to my friend The Maestro on his successful presentation on Gregorian Chant this evening.  His very informative presentation was well received by his colleagues and esteemed clergy who attended.  Well done!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Like we needed another reason

Surely I am not alone in my opinion that the UN should be disbanded and the prime real estate turned in to condominums or something useful.  Yet another reason they should be tossed out from Fox News.

United Nations and Iranian officials have been secretly negotiating a deal to persuade world powers to lift sanctions and allow Tehran to retain the bulk of its nuclear program in return for cooperation with U.N. inspectors.

The rest here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Free Cheese

There is a great post over at the Bloviating Zepplin wherein he brilliantly outlines a long held hypothesis of mine regarding the American electorate.

The American electorate, the bulk of it, is only concerned with its Free Cheese. What can the “gubmint” GIVE ME?? is the rallying question from the great unwashed masses.

Politicians know this, and know that, without skyrocketing promises of MORE Free Cheese, they stand a snowball’s chance in Hell of acquiring much of any political seat.

The PEOPLE have brought this about; I believe every bit as much AS the politicians themselves.

The American electorate has lost its courage and is becoming more and more accustomed, through education, through youth, through the courts, of having their Free Cheese mindsets VALidated.

We’d best be talking, if we want to save this country, about a lot of NO! in our immediate future.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.  There is no such thing as free cheese.  Someone is picking up the tab.  

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why greyhounds can run like lightning

When not running they are like coma patients.

Domestic tranquility

The attack at Fort Hood by a domestic terrorist gave me cause for great reflection.  It is sometimes easy to forget how tenuous our freedom really is.  For many, the site of lower Manhattan in 2001 has begun to fade from memory.  Thanks to a top rate military and intelligence community, attacks like the one at Fort Hood are the exception more than the rule.  A short segment I caught on the tube tonight reminded me just how lucky we are.

I was watching a program about World War II out of the corner of my eye while giving this week's homework assignment one last look before firing it off into cyber space for my Professor to filet.  The story was about the desperation of the Russians as the blitzkrieg rolled in to their land.  The Red Army having no modern way to battle the Nazi Panzer tanks used a Pavlovian technique to train dogs as anti tank weapons.

Dogs would be starved and then trained to seek their food under tracked vehicles.  This hungry animals were taken to the battlefield with remote control explosives strapped to their backs.  When they reached the tank and the soldier/handler would detonate this enormous charge destroying both tank and animal.

As I type this my very spoiled Newfoundland is snoring at my feet.  How lucky we are not to face such hardship and desperation.  How very important is it for us even now to be ever vigilant against enemies both foreign and domestic.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Apparently we must be fairly stupid.  For the last year or so the Democrats in Washington have been trying to pass their Health Care legislation that will cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars.  Despite their conflicting schemes as to where the funding will come from to foot the bill of their social programs the numbers have remained fairly constant.  Further, the President is fully supporting this program.  So when I found this on Fox News I became confused.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, mindful of public anxiety over the government's mushrooming debt, is shifting emphasis from big-spending policies to deficit reduction. Domestic agencies have been told to brace for a spending freeze or cuts of up to 5 percent as part of a midterm election-year push to rein in record budget shortfalls.

Yet with the economy still in distress and unemployment pushing past 10 percent, prospects for making a dent in a trillion-dollar-plus annual deficit seem slight. And since the Pentagon and Department of Veterans Affairs would likely be shielded from such cuts, overtures toward trimming the deficit may hold more symbolic value than substance.

President Barack Obama is expected to make post-recession spending restraint a key theme of his State of the Union address in January and an important element of the budget he submits to Congress a few weeks later. He is under increasing pressure, including from moderate and conservative members of his own party, to show he is serious about tackling a deficit that has become both an economic and political liability.

Now I am not a math whiz but why don't we start by cancelling plans to increase spending.  Then maybe we can address the need for a meat cleaver to attack the defecit.  Even if they are successful in achieving even a five percent cut in the budget it will be insignificant in comparison to the financial mill stone they are slinging around our collective necks with Cap and Trade and the Heatlh Care bills.  Another case of bait and switch?

We will see how stupid we all really are in 2010 I suppose.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

U. Mass update

A few days ago I posted about the University of Massachusetts hosting a speech by a member of the United Freedom Front.  The domestic terrorist was invited to speak at the school in the interest of providing an open exchange of ideas.  I maintained that the faculty of U. Mass was a bunch of Leftist nitwits.  My intrepid friend H. Carl Farvman did a bit of research and found the logo from U. Mass.  Check it out.

This logo reminded me of something.  Farvman found what he believed to be the inspiration.

None of you are surprised, are you?

Angel on his shoulder

My brother recently ran in to an old friend and co-worker. While catching up over a cup of coffee his friend related a story about a fellow they both used to work with. It seems that Joe was watching a television show about people who very generously donate a kidney to someone in need. Not a relative or friend mind you but just another soul needing a transplant. Joe was apparently moved by this program and incredulous as it may seem began the process of offering one of his kidneys for transplant to whoever might need it.

Needless to say all of his family, friends and co-workers thought he had taken complete leave of his senses. Undeterred and feeling that it was his destiny to do this good dead he continued in a rigorous medical screening process. In the last phase of the testing before the program would match him with a donor it was discovered that he had a cancerous tumor on one of his kidneys. The physician told Joe that had he not had this medical screening this growth would have likely not been discovered until it had spread. A death sentence.

The tumor has been removed, Joe is in good health and is looking for other charitable works to offer in thanks for this unexpected gift from God.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tenured Libs determined to offend

Ready for the midday dose of bile rising in your throat? As if Lefty Academics who never did a real days work in their life don't have enough to do cranking out liberal nitwits from our colleges and universities they have found another way to offend common sensibilities. Common sense or in its absence human decency would likely dissuade the average person from hosting a speech by a domestic terrorist. Well, apparently these two virtues are lacking at U. Mass judging by their invited speaker.

A terror bomber who served 18 years in federal prison will be allowed to speak at the University of Massachusetts on Thursday — after his speech had been canceled — because a group of faculty members decided to invite him and the university maintains it must fulfill its commitment to "academic freedom."

Raymond Luc Levasseur, the former leader of the revolutionary group United Freedom Front, was released from federal prison in 2004 after serving 18 years for his role in the group, which plotted a series of bombings and bank robberies along the East Coast between 1976 and 1984.

For those of you who don't know or remember, this creature was a contemporary of two other loathsome scum (Manning and Williams) who murdered a NJ State Trooper in 1981. Williams currently resides in Hell. Manning currently rots in a Federal Prison. Makes you want to fire a tuition payment right off to U. Mass, doesn't it? Maybe it is time to rethink this whole tenure thing.

Please remember Trooper Philip Lamonaco in your prayers and visit his online memorial here.

The rest of the article from Fox News is here.

Inspired musical interlude

Happily sponsored by one of my neurons that has fired only occasionally since 1980 or so.

Random Big Black Dog Photo

Happy Birthday USMC

With grateful thanks to the men and women who have earned the right to wear the globe and anchor in the service of our great country I would like to wish all US Marines a happy birthday celebration.  It is my honor to know many of their number (among them my DAD) and I am humbled by their heroism.  Semper Fi!

Getting harder to sling BS these days

The very public debacle that was the funeral for Sen. Ted Kennedy left a bad taste in the mouth of many a Catholic.  Not all, but many.  Perhaps emboldened by the over the top treatment his father received in both life and death Rep. Patrick Kennedy has been in a "pissing match" with his Bishop regarding abortion and other life issues.  The exceptional Bishop Tobin in his episcopal role as teacher and defender of the Faith has responded to Congressman Kennedy's very public slap at the Church in kind.

Your letter also says that your faith “acknowledges the existence of an imperfect humanity.” Absolutely true. But in confronting your rejection of the Church’s teaching, we’re not dealing just with “an imperfect humanity” – as we do when we wrestle with sins such as anger, pride, greed, impurity or dishonesty. We all struggle with those things, and often fail.
Your rejection of the Church’s teaching on abortion falls into a different category – it’s a deliberate and obstinate act of the will; a conscious decision that you’ve re-affirmed on many occasions. Sorry, you can’t chalk it up to an “imperfect humanity.” Your position is unacceptable to the Church and scandalous to many of our members. It absolutely diminishes your communion with the Church. 

Bishop Tobin hits Rep. Kennedy with a broadside of truth.  The entire letter bears a read.  It is far kinder than I would have ever written.  Thus why he is the Bishop and I need to go to confession more often.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Record time, even for a Democrat

In his first hour in Congress (thats right, sixty minutes) Congressman elect Bill Owens broke four campaign promises.

GOUVERNEUR, NY - Congressman-elect Bill Owens was sworn in at noon today.
Owens indicated in a press release released shortly afterwards that he was now in favor of the the "Affordable Healthcare for America Act" bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign.

Once you get over your shock, you can read the rest here.

Miss you George

After the Fort Hood terrorist attack President Obama was kind enough to make a few remarks about the incident during a televised speech from a Conference of Native Americans.  This after giving a very dignified Presidential "shout out" to a Congressional Medal of Honor Winner.  Apparently he is too busy herding us to the collective poor house to make a timely trip to the scene of the attack.

In contrast here is a bit about the President they like to blame for everything from the heartbreak of psoriasis to undercooked eggs for breakfast.

Last night former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura made a secret visit to the devastated military families at Fort Hood.
The Bushes instructed the commander of the mourning military base that they wanted no publicity. With their Secret Service detail, Bush and his wife made the 30 mile trip unannounced from their ranch near Crawford, Texas Friday evening.

Hat tip to the Digital Hairshirt for posting on this one.  The rest of the story here.

Why would he?

The president does not plan to travel to Germany to attend the 20th anniversary celebration Monday of the fall of the Berlin Wall, drawing heated criticism from those who say he's ignoring a shining triumph of American-inspired democracy. 

A triumph of conservatism over his Marxist heroes.  That would be like me celebrating the election of another Kennedy to public office.  The rest here.

It is not over yet....

WASHINGTON -- The glow from a health care triumph faded quickly for President Barack Obama on Sunday as Democrats realized the bill they fought so hard to pass in the House has nowhere to go in the Senate.

Moderate Democrats in the Senate are really worried about the 2010 mid term elections.  Maybe we will dodge this trillion dollar plus bullet yet.  The rest here.

There is a nice preview of what is expected in the Senate here.

Road Pizza tour 2009

Two consecutive horrendous nights of carnage on the local highways.  Mom and Dad were right.  Don't drink and drive, look both ways before crossing the street and for goodness sake put on a freaking seatbelt.

Knit one, pearl two

It could be argued successfully that I have a touch of adult onset ADD.  When I am trying to get work done, especially schoolwork, I can get a bit distracted.  So the other day while working on a paper I looked up to see our new medic student knitting.  Now I can remember my Mom cranking out blanket after blanket and wielding a crochet hook as if it were a light saber.  But Mom was never one for knitting with two needles.  So from time to time when I saw someone knitting with the more conventional two needle process it always fascinated me.  So when I looked across the table to see this four needle thing going on, well.....I just had to take a picture and try to figure it all out.

Since I am not a very artistic person I always appreciate those who have the gift of working with their hands.  And as I watched her crank out of all things a very toasty looking sock I was duly impressed.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sign of the times

Found over at the Bloviating Zepplin

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Father Z in NYC

Last night our Guerilla Schola invaded the island of Manhattan to augment the very fine Schola at Guardian Angels Church. Celebrant of the Mass was none other than Father Z of the very fine WDTPRS blog.

For those of you who have not taken the time to visit Father Z's blog by clicking the link on this page suffice to say that there is no finer representation of our Roman Catholic orthodoxy on the web. As I told him last night, I receive more religious education in a ten minute visit to his blog than I ever did in eight years of CCD.

I was very honored to be able to meet him and only regret that we did not have a chance to have a chat. Exquisite Mass (Extraordinary form of course), fitting sermon and a beautiful Church. And I think we chanted pretty well alongside our more polished colleagues from the Big Apple.

After meeting the good Father this clip popped in to my head and gave me a chuckle. No fireballs and a tad under seven feet tall, but larger than life nonetheless.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

For the fallen at Fort Hood

Please pray for the latest victims of Islamo-fascism.

How about a voucher

Tonight was the monthly HSA (parochial school equivalent of PTA) meeting. Want to guess who drew short straw?

So off I went to finally receive some good news about the status of our fund-raising. I give a great deal of credit to the officers of that organization. There is nobody I know with a spare minute of time in this day and age and yet these dedicated folks hustle to come up with new ways for us to raise money for our school. You see, unlike secular institutions who have unlimited streams of money we need to raise about 100K annually to keep our kids squared away.

The part of this that really just pisses me off is that there isn't a person in the school who pays less than 10K a year in property taxes the bulk of which (somewhere along the lines of 60 cents on the dollar) goes right to the school board. Yet we manage to provide a better morally grounded education with only a fraction of the money. It would be nice if someone in government would have the balls to throw a bit of our money back our way in the form of vouchers. Of course they then start whining about the separation of Church and State. Funny. They have no problem spending my Catholic money.

365 days of hope

Well folks it has been a year since Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. His supporters promised Hope and Change. Anyone out there feeling it? Because from my perspective it is business as usual. How so? Well it seems that despite the fact that the reins of power were given to the Democratic party with control of both houses of Congress in addition to the White House they still cannot get their collective acts together to push through their agenda. While I am thankful for that fact what is even more perplexing is that despite having every available political advantage they are still guessed it, George W. Bush.

MADISON, Wis. (Reuters) - A year after his historic election, President Barack Obama sought to remind Americans on Wednesday the biggest problems he is grappling with -- from the economy to the war in Afghanistan -- are the legacy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

With his approval ratings down from once-lofty levels and Tuesday's Democratic election losses raising questions about his political clout, Obama held no special ceremony to mark the anniversary of his election as America's first black president.

Whining, blaming and failure. No surprise here. The economy is still in the basement despite them throwing buckets of money at the problem. Soldiers are dying in greater numbers on foreign soil while they debate what to do. They whimper and wring their hands. Three years to go America. Have anyone in mind that can actually lead?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is the point?

From abstract to concrete

An important story. Pass this along to anyone you know who supports baby killing.

Abby Johnson, 29, stands outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Tex., alongside Shawn Carney of the Campaign for Life. Johnson quit after watching an ultrasound of an abortion.

The former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in southeast Texas says she had a "change of heart" after watching an abortion last month — and she quit her job and joined a pro-life group in praying outside the facility.

Abby Johnson, 29, used to escort women from their cars to the clinic in the eight years she volunteered and worked for Planned Parenthood in Bryan, Texas. But she says she knew it was time to leave after she watched a fetus "crumple" as it was vacuumed out of a patient's uterus in September.

'When I was working at Planned Parenthood I was extremely pro-choice," Johnson told But after seeing the internal workings of the procedure for the first time on an ultrasound monitor "I would say there was a definite conversion in my heart ... a spiritual conversion."

Funny how it is easy to defend a position in the abstract. But when faced with the reality of what your CHOICE really is it becomes apparent how indefensible that position is. Let us continue to pray for the conversion of hearts.

The rest here.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Modern Marriage

Some really great stuff:

A young man and a young woman meet and have a few dates. They go for a weekend at a bed and breakfast where they bed one another, and then have breakfast. If he isn’t too much of a jerk and she isn’t too picky, they are then an item. She goes to the doctor gets a prescription and goes on to a more permanent form of birth control. At some time during this stage, the uncomfortable meeting with the parents happens. Everyone is polite and “supportive.” Secretly the father of the young woman who knows exactly what’s going on, contemplates buying a gun and the mother of the young man begins gossiping with whomever will listen about how her little boy could do better. After a while, if things hold up, they begin to have the conversation about taking their relationship to the “next level” by which they mean shacking up, as we used to call it. Now, I think it’s called moving in together.

The rest can be found here at Reverend Know It All's place.

Election Eve

Tomorrow is going to be a pretty big day here in New Jersey. Election day this year brings with it the national spotlight wherein the race for the Governor's Mansion here and in Virginia are being looked at as a barometer to gauge the 2010 Congressional midterm. Polls indicate that the Dems have all but lost Virginia and the race here in the Garden State is too close to call. Though this morning the pollsters were predicting a last minute surge for Chris Christie as folks come to realize that squandering your vote on a third party candidate is a waste of time and guarantee of a win for the Democrats.

So make sure you get out and vote tomorrow. Or your whining privileges might get revoked.

Marathon Sunday follow up

No, I did not make even a feeble attempt to jiggle my chubby self through the NYC Marathon. But our family friend Melissa did, crossing the finish line some six hours and change after first tromping across the Verrezano Narrows.

Living so close to the City as we do it is silly that we don't get in their more often. So it was pleasant to have a reason to jump on mass transit yesterday and head in to the Big Apple.

Now that my daughter is at about the right age to realize that there is some really strange stuff that goes on out there in the real world it is kind of fun to see her reaction to new things. So off we went.

First stop, the Staten Island Ferry. Now it has been at least twenty five years since I had a ride on the Ferry. What a big difference. The terminal is now modern and dare I say clean, the F/B Barbieri was in top condition (and the shiniest in the fleet no doubt) and to my shock there was nobody on the lower deck selling dope. A smooth half hour ride across the harbor was nice. Lady Liberty, a few ships and two imbeciles in kayaks made for the in transit entertainment.

Katz's delicatessen was great. Best pastrami I have ever had! And how have I lived without sampling cole slaw spiked with just the right amount of horse radish?

A lot of firsts for my daughter. Her first visit to Katz's, seeing her first NY Marathon, her first ride on a subway and most entertaining the first time she ever had to sit next to a guy covered from head to toe in gold body glitter. I wish the subway car was not so crowded. The look on her face was priceless. The perfect mixture of shock, incredulity and disgust. No poker playing in her future.

Fall in New York City. Gotta love it!

Sqeamish Silence

H. Carl Farvman was kind enough to send me a link to a very insightful opinion piece by Thomas Sowell. If you have a few minutes click here. I think you will find it to be as enlightening as I did.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Katz's Deli NYC

More to follow.