While my talents are very limited I am honored to have many talented friends. Whether its woodworking, gardening or assembling super computers I am always amazed when someone truly masters a skill simply for its inherent joy. What a special feeling that must be. My old friend the NAD (short for gonad....don't ask) is something of an accomplished photographer. While he is currently mastering digital photography I can tell you this is no flash in the pan thing for him. I can remember sitting in his parents house over thirty years ago as he would browse through boxes of color 35mm slides like a fat guy picking through a box of Godiva Chocolate looking for the most precious morsel to sample. Its stuck with him for all of these years and its a pleasure to share in his passion if only vicariously. Most recently his Nadship was at the commissioning of the new USS Stockdale.

How cool is that? (sorry about the small format, I downloaded it from his facebook page)
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