Friday, June 19, 2009

Lucky Shot

Unlike the Diginatrix who has talent in the world of digital photography I am still learning to shoot without resorting to dum dum mode on the camera. Despite my struggles to master shutter speed and F stops and all of that bunk by the end of our visit to the National Aquarium I managed to get one, and only one good shot. Of course it wasn't anything cool like the huge rays or the nasty looking sharks (my post Jaws fears having been confirmed once again, this time from two inches away). No, it was this lonely jelly fish.

Hopefully I will again be lucky enough next month to spend a few hours with the intrepid H. Carl Farvman who will take me and my developmentally disabled shutterbug efforts to a more dependable level. Oh well, maybe with some good light and big white monuments my efforts in DC will be a bit more acceptable.

1 comment:

The Digital Hairshirt said...


Keep shooting! I told that to a priest friend of mine who complained about not always getting good shots when shooting an event. I told him, it was because he's too judicious on his shots - sometimes you have to already be shooting when the action is happening. And with digital, it is not as if you're going to waste film. So shoot, shoot!

And thanks much for the compliment! :-D