Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Kevlar Crozier

Archbishop John C. Nienstedt of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis recently responded to a group called the Rainbow Sash who wrote to inform His Excellency that they planned to conduct their annual appearance at the Cathedral of Saint Paul on Pentecost Sunday at the Noon Mass. Annually, this group, who publicly protests the Church's position on homosexuality presents themselves for communion at various Masses while wearing their tasty rainbow sashes to show their displeasure at the long held tradition of the Church with regard to homosexuals. In the past they have been given Holy Communion. Well.......there is a new Sheriff in town.

With a hat tip to Father Z here is the Archbishop's letter in full .

Dear Brian,

I write to acknowledge your letter of May 10, 2009, alerting me to the fact that you and some fellow protesters will be wearing rainbow sashes at the noon Mass on Pentecost in the Cathedral of St. Paul. I ask you to refrain from such a public act of dissent, especially as it so clearly shows disrespect and irreverence for the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

Anyone wearing a “rainbow sash” will not be permitted to receive Holy Communion, since their dissent is a sign that they have publicly broken communion with the Church’s teaching. I also ask that those not wearing the sashes refrain from sharing the Holy Eucharist with those who do. Such an action is unbecoming the dignity of the sacrament.

With regard to the dialogue you request, it would first be essential that you state clearly that you hold with the conviction all that the Church teaches on matters of human sexuality. If you do not believe, then there cannot be dialogue, but only debate. The truths of our faith are not open to debate.

Again, I hope you will see how disruptive your planned protest will be for those who will gather on Pentecost to pray. I ask you to refrain from being the cause of such disruption.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Catholics often forget that their Bishop, in addition to being the leader of a Diocese also bears the responsibility of teaching and defending the Faith. Clearly Archbishop Nienstedt does not shrink from his Episcopal responsibilities.

If you have time stop over to Father Z's blog for his always insightful commentary on the matter.

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