Thursday, May 7, 2009

Facebook Follies

Like anyone I like a good story. A nice tale recounting a funny encounter often acts as the springboard to good conversation and a nice laugh. Every once in a while though you get hit with one that leaves you slack jawed and dumb founded. Case in point, a story told to me just this afternoon.

A friend of mine (who will remain nameless) maintains a web presence on FaceBook. In the scope of web based socializing you would have to characterize him as a casual user. Like the rest of us he logs on almost daily to post nonsense. Its like the CB radio of the 21st Century.

He was very excited today to receive a message in his in box as this is a novelty to him. On opening the note his surprise was changed to alarm, and a bit of a cold sweat. The message was from a half sister some five years his senior that he is unacquainted with. It seems that dear old Dad enjoyed a brief assignation with a young lady some years before meeting the woman he would marry the product of which is now trying to connect with a family she never knew she had. I guess its just a little something that his Dad never got around to telling him before he shirked his mortal coil.

Oh did I forget to mention that this tattooed right wing arch conservative now has a big sis that is a liberal activist in a committed lesbian relationship? Needless to say he is not in a very good place right now. But on the bright side I am reasonably sure after the formalities of becoming reunited he can avail himself to a nice collection of power tools.

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