Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bet they don't like what they are hearing

Support, even among the Democrats is beginning to thin in the face of increased public scrutiny of the scheme. Opponents are either completely against the plan due to the cost which even the Administration can't quantify or like the man in the following excerpt bridling under the yoke of more government intrusion into basic freedoms.

LARGO, Md. (WUSA) -- Maryland Senator Ben Cardin, a Democrat who favors health care reform, faced an audience of more than 500 people (at its peak) Monday evening for what he called a town hall meeting on the topic that is the number one item on President Obama's domestic agenda.

Audience members could offer questions on cards that were passed out as they entered the Prince George's County Community College Student Center, or they could line up at microphones to offer them in person.

Perhaps the most controversial, came from Robert Broadus of Clinton, Maryland, an audience member who had lost his job and replaced it with one that paid him far less money.

"I decided not to get the health insurance. That's working out for me because I'm able to save that extra money and give it to my family members and use it on myself. Senator Cardin, I want to know are you going to tell me an individual...that I have to buy health care or else you're going to fine me $2,500 every year I don't get it? Our founding fathers assured us we have a Bill of Rights and I want to see you uphold that," Broadus said in an increasingly emotional voice and to scattered applause.

The rest is at the link.

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