Photo courtesy of © Stephanie Richer
Having endured two weeks of UPN style mourning the more conventionally minded among us might think that the garish display surrounding the death of Michael Jackson is over. Fresh from a (dare I say it?) over the top memorial at the Staples Center in Los Angeles many of his followers still pine for a "fitting" final resting place that will put Graceland to shame. Yet like an MX missle his corpse is still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations until such time as the clamor dies off and he is paraded out again for pecuinary gain. Should it come to pass that his final resting place is in fact the immortal Neverland Ranch I wonder if in years to come a new generation of blue hairs will board tour buses with smelly bathrooms to make the long trek to pay homage. Only time will tell.
Part of an ongoing argument I have with many of my friends who have jobs of the nine to five variety is that the guests on Jerry Springer and shows of that variety are real people. Some of them continue to disagree. Thus the photo at the top of this post. Knowing that a bona fide Officer of the Court and fellow traveller the Diginatrix was taking a day to go on photo safari at the memorial service I waited with glee for her to post the pictures she captured. I was not disappointed. It is quite a collection.
While there were a suitable number of people there from the fringes of society there were a good number of normal looking folk there as well. Please take the time to stop over at The Digital Hairshirt and check out her work as well as some commentary not filtered through the main stream media suits. Tell her the Dirty Copper sent you.
Her pics can be accessed directly on her Flickr page or by clicking the pictures
Photo courtesy of © Stephanie Richer
Peace OUT!
1 comment:
Thank you for the kind words. And now I know what phrase to use - "photo safari." Needless to say, a lot of my fellow attorneys asked incredulously, "You went where? Only a few who know me and my passion for shooting understood.
I will be quite disappointed if Neverland is NOT developed into the "Graceland of the West." Having been to Graceland, I think it would serve Katherine Jackson well to call up Priscilla Presley and get some types on managing the estate and legacy of a legend for fun and profit.
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