Moments ago I received a picture on my phone that I wanted to post right away. I am always in awe of people that I am privileged to know who achieve great things. Case in point Maggie O. I first met Maggie a few years ago when I joined my first Pipe Band. She played tenor drum and her little sister and Dad were pipers. Long story short, she aspired to attend the US Coast Guard Academy. After completing the HELL of Swab Summer today she received her shoulder boards indicating her rank as a fourth classman and is now an official part of the student body of the academy. I spoke to her Dad a few nights ago and he related to me a story about the Eagle Challenge. As some of you might know the Coast Guard operates the 295 foot three masted sailing ship (one of only two in government service) as part of its academy training program. At the end of Swab Summer, Maggie and her classmates participated in a ten day 'Capstone' cruise off the coast of the north east. Maggie was one of a very few of her mates that climbed the main mast and placed the Coast Guard standard on the top. No easy task. So congrats again to Maggie. I know her Mom, Dad and sister are very proud of her. As am I.
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